Wherever you are. Who ever you are. You are welcome here.
What is LuMin?
LuMin is a spiritual home for students on Yale’s campus. We are affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Although we are Lutheran by tradition, we are open to every person and we welcome you to join us as you discover what faith or spirituality mean for you.
Grounded in Christ, we live into our identity as Children of God through hospitality, service, justice, integrity, and curiosity. Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your faith journey, we invite you to walk with us.
LuMin at Yale is….
A space where all are always welcome
We are a community of love and compassion that values every single individual. We are a Reconciling in Christ community that openly affirms and supports our LGBTQIA+ community members. LuMin is a space for every person and we welcome you for who you are.
A community that honors questions
We are so lucky to be in a center of immense knowledge at Yale. LuMin seeks to be a part of the community of learning at Yale by welcoming and supporting everyone in every phase of their journey with faith. Whether you go to Church every Sunday or you are just looking for a welcoming home, LuMin will be here to support you.
A refuge from academic pressure
Here is a radical idea: God does not ask to see your resume before giving you love. The love of Christ has no GPA cutoff. LuMin is a space where you can just be present in the midst of spirituality and let the worries of the outside world be silent even for just a moment.
A place to find community through worship, study, prayer, and service
We know that coming to college can be a challenging time for anyone. For many it is a new environment with new challenges and experiences, but LuMin seeks to be a place where we guarantee you’ll feel at home. Through service projects, prayer, and fellowship we invite you to join us as we seek to live a life of faith together.
A home for college, graduate, and professional students
LuMin members come from all backgrounds and schools in the New Haven area. Whether you’re a Divinity School Student, a student of law or nursing, or an undergraduate at Yale, So. CT. State University, or the many schools in New Haven we invite you to join us!
A gathering of spirit, conversation and justice-seeking
We fail to truly live out our faith when we refuse to commit ourselves to improving this world. LuMin commits itself to fighting against injustice. We work to recognize our varying levels of privilege and we commit to continually fighting systems of racism, white supremacy, and injustice in the world and in our communities.
LuMin is proud to be a Reconciling in Christ Ministry. The Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Program is for congregations, synods, colleges, seminaries, and other Lutheran organizations and ministry communities who have made a public commitment to welcome, include and celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people.